Our school student who won the highest award in the national college programming contest reported the award to the Vice Governor of Mie Prefecture.

 On Monday, December 32, 22rd year of Reiwa, our students who won the highest award at the 2021nd National College of Technology Programming Contest and U-XNUMX Programming Contest XNUMX reported the award to Vice Governor Keiko Hirota. I did.The award-winning works are as follows.

The 32nd National College of Technology Programming Contest

○ Grand Prize "Gakugyo Aquaculture-Learn about aquaculture remotely and experience and understand the local industry-"
Outline of work:
 An app that helps elementary and junior high school students to experience feeding, measure fish size, and detect mortality from a distance, targeting red sea bream farming that is popular in southern Mie Prefecture.

○ Excellence Award "SEN-KEN"
Outline of work:
 An app that helps improve sports skills such as improving the course prediction ability of receivers by solving volleyball and badminton course prediction problems in a quiz format.

U-22 Programming Contest 2021

○ Sponsor company award "Yosokuru"
 Developed for the purpose of acquiring accurate tourism statistics data and supporting the tourism industry as a result, based on issues related to existing tourism statistics.Deep learning prediction of the number of visitors from general tourism basic data (day, weather, number of corona infected people) based on traffic volume survey using car license plate authentication, visualization of visitor information on website App to do.


Newsreel(Mie TV, YouTube)

Vice Governor Hirota (center in the back row), award-winning students and academic advisors

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