Annual Events


           ➤ Annual event schedule for 2020

           ➤ XNUMX annual event schedule

Reiwa XNUMXth Annual Event Schedule

Reiwa XNUMXrd year annual event schedule

➤ Reiwa XNUMXnd year annual event schedule


State of annual event


Entrance ceremony
(Main course / advanced course (production system engineering))
New students join the ranks.

Orientation (1st grade)
This is a place for first graders to deepen their friendship with new friends.

Fieldwork (2nd grade)
This is a social tour for second graders.

Technical college athletic meet
College students will demonstrate the results of club activities practice.

National Commercial Ship Technical College Rowing Tournament
Students who are proud of their strength scream and row oars.

sports festival
Each class will struggle to win.

Robot contest
Students compete with robots assembled to compete for technical skills.

Programming contest
College students compete for programming skills.

Maritime festival
At our school's school festival, it will be lively with mock shops and stage events.

School Information Sessions
This is an opportunity for students and parents to learn about Toba Shosen.

Open lecture
This is an opportunity for elementary and junior high school students to get to know Toba Shosen through experiments.

Employment support seminar
Many companies come to our school and explain where they are working.

Factory tour (4th grade industrial)
Fourth graders who are about to get a job will visit various companies.

Graduation Ceremony (Department of Commercial Shipping)
Completion Ceremony (Marine Systems)
Students of the Department of Commercial Ships who have completed the five-and-a-half-year course will graduate.

Graduation Ceremony (Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Department of Control and Information Engineering)
Completion ceremony (advanced course (production system engineering))
Students who have completed each course will graduate and complete our school.

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