Student Dormitory

 Akatsuki Dormitory

About Akatsuki Dormitory About the dormitory student association Bookmark for entering the dormitory in 6 Dormitory Student Newspaper
Message Dormitory dining room menu Annual event schedule


◆ Notice

Update date Message
2024/11/18 July 6 editionDormitory Student NewspaperWas posted.
2025/1/7 July menu here.から
2025/1/7 July menu here.から


◆ About Akatsuki Dormitory

"Akatsuki Dormitory" is a school dormitory as an educational facility established to achieve the educational purpose of Toba National College of Maritime Technology.
Students who move into the dormitory will be selected from among those who wish to attend school, taking into consideration the distance to school, time, and family circumstances.
Students who move into the dormitory are required to comply with the rules of our school and strive for human development through a disciplined communal life.

XNUMX. XNUMX.We have established the following network as a norm for dormitory students. (1) Keep a disciplined life and study hard.
(2) Take the initiative and take responsibility.
(3) Respect individual freedom and do not bother others.
(4) Be polite and understand the order of the eldest child.
(5) To cultivate a spirit of independence and cultivate a sense of shame.
(6) To deepen friendship and to deal with each other.
(7) Pay attention to hygiene and develop a habit of cleanliness.
XNUMX. XNUMX.Equipment outline The building consists of two 4-story rebar buildings (Buildings A and B), with a men's dormitory and a women's dormitory.
The men's dormitory is a single room for upper grades and a double room for lower grades.The women's dormitory is basically a single room for upper grades and a double room for lower grades.
There is also a dining room, bathroom, and dining room.
XNUMX. XNUMX.Dormitory life and expenses Dormitory students will be provided with meals three times a day.
Therefore, the dormitory students are supposed to bear the food expenses of the school dormitory cafeteria, as well as the "boarding fee", utilities, and other expenses necessary for living in the school dormitory.


◆ About the dormitory student association

Akatsuki Dormitory has an organization called Dormitory Student Association for both men and women, and they are trying to run the dormitory by dormitory students.
It is maintained and operated while discussing with the faculty members and office staff in the dormitory office.
The purpose of living in the dormitory is to operate the dormitory independently, but for that purpose, we review the rules of the dormitory and
We are now able to organize dormitory events and run an organization called the Dormitory Student Association on a regular basis.


 Dormitory student association organization

    • Dormitory manager
    • Deputy Dormitory Director
    • General Affairs Chairperson
    • Food Chairman (and Election Commission Chairman)
    • Environmental maintenance committee chair
    • Event chairperson
    • Newspaper chairman
    • Equipment Management Committee Chair

Under each chair, there is a vice chair and several students as assistants.
The meeting of the dormitory student association has a committee system, and each member reports and discusses necessary opinions by the regular meeting between the dormitory student association and the faculty member of the supervisory office, which is held every week.


◆ To junior high school students and parents

We have compiled answers to frequently asked questions when moving into the dormitory.Please use this as a reference for admission to Toba Shosen and student dormitories.

Questions before moving into the dormitory Answer
Do I have to move into the dormitory after enrolling? No.Only for those who wish.
How are the residents decided?I'd like to move into the dormitory because it's far away ... Can anyone who wants to move into the dormitory? Not all applicants can move into the dormitory.We may not be able to meet your request as we have a suitable number of people for each grade.
I'm far from going to the dormitory, so I'd like to move into the dormitory. Is it possible? I would like to respond as much as possible to students who wish to move into the dormitory from afar.However, since the number of people who can move into the dormitory is limited, we cannot say that we can always move into the dormitory.
If I am not familiar with the dormitory life, is it possible to quit the dormitory and go to school on the way? It is possible.
I'm worried if I'll get used to group life and dormitory life. The dormitory is not an apartment.Therefore, some students may have a hard time, unlike a free-spirited life or a carefree life at home.However, I think that it is only in group life that you can find the joy of acting with everyone rather than acting alone.
Women's related Reply
Is there a women's dormitory?
Are girls and boys in the same building? The building is the same, but the stairs and entrance are separate so that you cannot go back and forth between them.

◆Dormitory Student Newspaper

This is a dormitory newspaper created by the newspaper committee of the dormitory association officers.

June 6 edition
June 6 edition
June 6 edition
June 6 edition


Contact Us

XNUMX-XNUMX Ikegami-cho, Toba City, Mie Prefecture XNUMX-XNUMX
National College of Technology Toba National College of Maritime Technology Akatsuki Dormitory

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