Technical support department


At the Techno Center, we provide experimental training support, technical support for various contests such as Robocon, and operation management of the training ship Toba Maru.Here, we will introduce the classification of our center and the contents related to technical support.


Electrical / Electronic / Information Department (1st Technical Office)

Department Introduction

4 personnel
In charge of practical training in electrical and electronic systems and information systems

    • Experimental training support
    • Technical support for various contests such as Robocon
    • Graduation research support

Practice example


Practice introduction

By combining various electronic components, it is possible to create a circuit that rotates a motor or illuminates an LED (light emitting diode).

Electronic components, motors, etc.

Soldering parts

Completed board


Machine Tool Department (2nd Technical Office)

Department Introduction

4 personnel
In charge of practical training on motors and machine tools

    • Machining / welding / finishing
    • Engine assembly / disassembly
    • Electrical and electronic experiment
    • Machining of resins and composites
    • Experimental training using marine auxiliary equipment (generator)
    • Experimental training using a steam engine
    • Experimental training using an internal combustion engine
    • graduation research

Training factory scenery


Experimental training introduction

3rd year student in the Department of Commercial Ships, 1st year student in the Department of Electromechanical Engineering

We support the specialized knowledge of machine tools and the practical training of the basic part of technology.

NC lathe


General-purpose lathe


4th grade of the Department of Commercial Shipping

We support students to acquire the engineering experiment execution ability and experiment data processing ability required as a ship engineer, and to acquire practical skills.

diesel engine

Tension tester




Introducing the works created in the training.

Stirling engine




Boat / Motor Division (3rd Technical Room)

Department Introduction

2 personnel
Support services-Commercial ship training and boathouse maintenance

    • Experimental training
    • graduation research

Boathouse scenery


Introduction of experimental training

1st grade marine skills training

We provide support for cutter rowing and sailing, as well as boarding and supporting first-class training boats (Asama).

3rd grade ship maneuvering

We provide support for boarding and operating a training boat (Asama).If it is not possible to sail due to the weather, we will practice anchoring, wind tunnel tanks and ship maneuvering simulators.In addition, we support the practical training of the small boat operator training school (Toba Shosen) through the training of Asama.


Training scene (cutter)



4th grade weather / communication

We perform meteorological observations, weather forecasts, reading weather maps, and explaining forecast maps.In addition, although we are observing the weather as a preparation for practical training, we are always considering the weather when operating the craft.

Practical computer

Facsimile receiver

Training materials


Toba Maru Division (4th Technical Office)

Department Introduction

5 personnel
Toba Maru operation such as experimental training, PR voyage (Yokkaichi Port, Nagoya Port), research voyage, etc.

    • Experimental training
    • Voyage training (1 night or more voyage)
    • Joint research voyage with universities and companies
    • Shipyard tour voyage
    • Other experience voyages (advancement briefing sessions, sea studies festivals, etc.)

Toba Maru


Introduction of experimental training

Training scenery

On board the training ship Toba Maru, we perform celestial calculation, lifesaving maneuvering, radar handling, class assistance for explanation and placement of lifesaving equipment, voyage watch, and work at the time of departure and arrival.

Rudder and engine telegraph

Toba Maru training scene



Popular menu curry

Experience voyage scenery of Yokkaichi Port

Nippon Maru sail drill scenery



Regional cooperation work

Open lecture


Qualifications held by techno center staff

海技士,小型船舶(1,2級),玉掛技能講習,クレーン運転特別教育,フォークリフト技能講習,フォークリフト特別教育,ガス溶接特別教育,アーク溶接特別教育,研削砥石取替特別教育,危険物取扱(甲種,乙4),ボイラー技士(特級,2級),職業訓練指導員(機械科ボイラー科),冷凍機械(3種),調理師,海上特殊無線(1級,2級,レーダ級),陸上特殊無線(2級),気象予報士,電気主任技術者(2級),基本情報技術者試験,デジタル技術検定(2級,3級),情報処理活用能力検定(2級),PC利用技術認定(3級),ワープロ実務検定(4級),機械保全技能士(2級),特別管理産業廃棄物管理責任者,衛生管理者,簿記検定,低圧電気取扱教育,整地・運搬・積込及び掘削用機会特別教育,DIVE MASTER,OPE NWATER DIVER

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