Reiwa 3nd year leaders training held

 On Saturday, September 9, a leaders training co-sponsored by Toba National College of Maritime Technology and Suzuka National College of Technology was held in a remote format using Teams with the support of the technical college advancement promotion expense project.
 This year's program aimed at "cultivating students' communication skills and leadership skills that incorporate the perspective of SDGs," and conducted preventive learning on various problems that arise in the process of decision-making via SNS.Twenty-five students who are candidates for leaders of student associations and club activities of both schools participated in this training, and 25 faculty members of both schools participated as observers for the purpose of understanding the actual situation of student communication.
 The program includes a commentary on SDGs in the morning, a lecture on "Basics of Communication Respecting Others" by Dr. Minako Soda, a clinical psychologist who is a school counselor at our school, and "Recognizing the values ​​and diversity of group members" in the afternoon. It consists of group work for "cultivating leaders who work together to achieve their goals."After the leaders training, the same items related to training effectiveness and effectiveness were evaluated from the perspectives of students and faculty members.It seems that it was meaningful for students to carry out group work by members from different schools, departments, and grades via the Internet.The SDGs' spirit of being inclusive and leaving no one behind was also reflected in group work decision-making.
 In the future, I would like to expand the program implemented in the leaders training to a wide range of student guidance and use it for "bullying" prevention education on SNS.

Leaders Training Secretariat

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