Conducted a special TOEIC test course in the first year of Reiwa

 A special TOEIC test course was held from July XNUMXth to XNUMXth, XNUMXst year of Reiwa.
 This course was planned two years ago by the principal to improve students' English proficiency, and was implemented when the lecture was requested and approved by Professor Hiro Maeda (Grandstream Co., Ltd.), who is well-known for improving the TOEIC score. This is the third time this year.
 Forty-two students who wished to take the course participated on the day, and introduced learning methods to improve their English proficiency with actual examples, and explained tips for efficiently answering questions.
 The students who participated commented that they "understood the way of thinking when tackling the problem" and "I haven't taken the TOEIC test yet, so I would like to take it."


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