XNUMX Toba National College of Technology Management Advisory Council was held

 On March XNUMX, XNUMX (Wednesday), the Toba National College of Technology Management Advisory Council was held.
 This conference was held in a hybrid format of face-to-face and online, continuing from last year, with the aim of obtaining guidance and proposals from outside experts on the current situation and issues in the organization and school management of our school.
 Principal Izumi gave a speech and gave an overview of the school, followed by student recruitment activities by Vice Principal Ito, educational management initiatives, a support room for students (learning promotion support, career education support, global education promotion), and activities to contribute to other institutions and communities. , explained student support activities.After that, each committee member asked questions and exchanged opinions, and received meaningful opinions.
 Based on the recommendations we received this time, we will enhance our educational and research activities in the future.

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