Concluded a comprehensive partnership agreement with Mie Prefecture

 On August 31, XNUMX (Wednesday), at the Mie Prefectural Office, we will foster human resources who will contribute to the promotion of industry in Mie Prefecture and the revitalization of the region, and respond quickly and appropriately to regional issues. We have concluded a comprehensive partnership agreement with Mie Prefecture with the aim of contributing to the formation and development of a strong local community.
 We have been working with Mie Prefecture on initiatives related to the promotion of agriculture, forestry and fisheries for some time. I'm going to go forward.

 (Collaboration/cooperation matters)
 (XNUMX) Matters related to student employment within the prefecture
 (XNUMX) Promotion of agriculture, forestry and fisheries
 (XNUMX) Thing about correspondence at the time of disaster
 (XNUMX) Enrichment of education
 (XNUMX) Thing about promotion of sightseeing
 (XNUMX) Other activities that contribute to regional revitalization and the resolution of regional issues

 [Agreement link]

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