Reiwa 5.0th year GEARXNUMX About the selection result of the sophistication of social implementation education of future technology

 We would like to inform you that the project applied by our school has been adopted for the above items.

 GEAR5.0 aims to develop human resources through the sophistication of social implementation of future technologies under the cooperation system with technical colleges, companies, local governments, universities, etc. nationwide.

 At our school, we promote practical social implementation, education, and research in the field of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and technical college students participate in research aimed at social implementation. As a way to develop a system that supports the transformation to "make", promote DX (Digital Transformation) that realizes productivity improvement and sustainability of agriculture, forestry and fisheries together with students by utilizing technological development, and work on carbon neutral practice. We are here.

Field: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Theme name: From "Take" to "Make" DX promotion project for agriculture, forestry and fisheries

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