Participated in the final round of the 4th Junior and Senior High School Data Science Contest

On Saturday, October 6, 10, the final selection round of the 26th Junior and Senior High School Student Data Science Contest was held at Kobe University, and the student team "Integral Tanaka", coached by Associate Professor Hideyuki Tanaka of the Department of General Education at Toba National College of Maritime Technology, participated.

This contest aims to improve the statistical teaching skills of junior and senior high school teachers, as well as to disseminate Kobe University's data science and AI education efforts to educational institutions and junior and senior high school students. Participants will be tasked with analyzing prepared data using methods based on data science and making proposals.

This was the first time that the Toba National College of Maritime Technology team applied to this contest. As a result, out of 91 teams that applied, they were selected as one of the eight finalist teams that passed the first and second rounds of judging, and advanced to the final selection round. The final selection round consisted of participants making a presentation and a Q&A session, and their work was judged by data science experts. Unfortunately, the Toba National College of Maritime Technology team did not win an award, but they were able to make it to the final selection round despite it being their first time participating, and the students gained valuable experience throughout the contest.

Associate Professor Hideyuki Tanaka, who supervised the team, said, "Unlike regular classes, there was no one to tell the students what to do. They had to start by thinking about what to do, which was very difficult for them. As their supervisor, I kept my advice to a minimum and had them work almost 100% to solve the problem on their own. In the end, they were able to properly summarize their analysis results and put together a proposal with statistical evidence as their submitted assignment. Through this competition, the students not only gained knowledge and experience related to data science, but I believe their communication skills also improved significantly. This was the first and last time that the third-year students participated, but I hope that the first- and second-year students will take up the challenge again next year, picking up on their disappointment."

(The tournament overview was based on a news report from the Kobe University Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences.)


<Article on this matter from the Kobe University Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences>
2024 | News List | Results of the XNUMXth Junior and Senior High School Data Science Contest hosted by the Kobe University Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences

<Articles on this matter>
Nikkei Science January 2025 issue, page 1 "Science Contest | Junior and senior high school students compete in data analysis skills"

(Updated May 2024, 12)

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