Regional cooperation department



XNUMX-XNUMX Ikegami-cho, Toba City, Mie Prefecture XNUMX-XNUMX
National College of Technology Toba National College of Maritime Technology Planning and Regional Cooperation Section
MAIL: Soumu-kikaku @ ☆
* The domain of the e-mail address is omitted to prevent spam.The correct domain is "@".


Joint research

Joint research is a system that promotes the production of excellent research results by jointly conducting research on common research topics between researchers at companies and the faculty members of our school.
The joint research will be conducted based on the National Institute of National Colleges of Technology Joint Research Implementation Regulations, Handling Guidelines, and our School Joint Research Handling Regulations.

* It usually takes about one month from application to the start of research.


About procedure


To apply for joint research, please discuss the implementation plan with the faculty member in charge of our school and submit the "Joint Research Application Form (Form No. XNUMX)" to the Planning and Regional Cooperation Section of the General Affairs Division.

Joint research application ( WORD/PDF


Acceptance decision

The principal will decide after the discussion of the school steering committee.Once decided, the Planning and Regional Cooperation Section of the General Affairs Division will send you a "Notice of Acceptance of Joint Research (Form No. XNUMX)".



After the acceptance is decided, the contents of the contract will be discussed and the contract will be concluded based on the joint research contract.

Contract template (PDF


Payment of research expenses

After concluding the contract, please pay to the designated account before starting the research based on the invoice sent from our school.


About research expenses

Companies applying for joint research are requested to bear the expenses required for conducting joint research (direct expenses, indirect expenses and research guidance fees) in addition to the expenses required for research at the institution.


Direct expenses

These are direct expenses such as rewards, travel expenses, personnel expenses for research supporters, equipment expenses, consumables expenses, and utilities, which are especially necessary for conducting joint research.


Indirect expenses

It is an administrative expense that is required in addition to the direct expense to carry out joint research, and is an expense for improving the research environment.You will be responsible for XNUMX% of the direct expenses.


Research guidance fee

This is an expense only when accepting researchers from companies. (XNUMX yen per XNUMX months)


Handling of patents

As a result of joint research, if an invention is jointly invented, the National Institute of National Colleges of Technology and a company, etc. will each set their own equity and apply jointly, and the patent will be shared according to the equity.
The patent can be granted preferentially for a certain period of time after the application is filed by the company, etc. or a person designated by the company, etc. Implementation compensation may be requested).
At that time, a separate implementation contract will be concluded.


Contract research

The contract research is a system in which the faculty members of our school carry out the research on behalf of the company, etc., and report the results to the contractor.
Contract research will be conducted based on the National College of Technology Commissioned Research Implementation Regulations, handling guidelines, and our school commissioned research handling rules.In addition, the cost of research will be borne by the contractor.

* It usually takes about one month from application to the start of research.


About procedure


To apply for contract research, please discuss the implementation plan with the faculty member in charge of our school and submit the "Contract Research Application Form (Form No. XNUMX)" to the Planning and Regional Cooperation Section of the General Affairs Division.

Contract Research Application Form (Form No. XNUMX) (WORD/PDF


Acceptance decision

The principal will decide after the discussion of the school steering committee.Once the decision is made, the Planning and Regional Cooperation Section of the General Affairs Division will send you a "Notice of Acceptance of Contract Research (Form No. XNUMX)".



After the acceptance is decided, the contract details will be discussed and the contract will be concluded based on the contract research contract.

Contract template (PDF


Payment of research expenses

After concluding the contract, please pay to the designated account based on the invoice sent from our school.


About research expenses

Direct expenses

These are direct expenses such as rewards, travel expenses, personnel expenses for research supporters, equipment expenses, consumables expenses, and utilities, which are especially necessary for carrying out contract research.


Indirect expenses

It is an administrative expense that is required in addition to the direct expense to carry out joint research, and is an expense for improving the research environment.You will be responsible for XNUMX% of the direct expenses.


Contract fee

You will be charged XNUMX to XNUMX yen per month (charges according to the degree of difficulty).When applying, please consult with the Planning and Regional Cooperation Section of the General Affairs Division.


Handling of patents

If an invention is made as a result of contract research, the patent belongs to the National Institute of National Colleges of Technology or the invention faculty member (individual).
In addition, patents can be granted preferentially for a certain period of time after filing an application only if they are entrusted or designated by the entrustor. Non-execution compensation may be requested).
At that time, a separate implementation contract will be concluded.



This system accepts donations from companies and individuals for the purpose of supporting scholarships, education, research, and management and operation.
Donors can specify the purpose of the donation and the researcher, but they will not receive the research results in return for the donation.
The donations will be used for the enhancement and development of academic research and education, and the results will contribute not only to our school but also to society at large.


About procedure

To apply for a donation, please consult with the instructor in charge of our school and submit the "Donation Application Form (Form XNUMX)" to the Planning and Regional Cooperation Section of the General Affairs Division.

Donation application form (Form XNUMX) (WORD/PDF


About tax handling

Regarding tax exemption for donations, in the case of a corporation, the entire amount of the donation is included in the deduction and no tax is levied in accordance with the provisions of Article XNUMX of the Corporation Tax Law.For individuals, there is a preferential treatment that allows you to deduct the amount of donations from the total amount of income.


Technical consultation

At our school, a large number of specialists are employed in a wide range of fields, and we accept technical consultations such as questions and difficult problems that are required to be solved at the site of companies, etc., and cooperate with the development of the local community.
In addition, technical consultation will be conducted based on our school's technical consultation handling guidelines.To apply for technical consultation, please submit the "Technical Consultation Application Form" to the Planning and Regional Cooperation Section of the General Affairs Division.

Technical consultation application form ( WORD/PDF

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