XNUMX Merchant Marine Department Graduation Ceremony / Advanced Course (Maritime Systems Major) Completion Ceremony

52 16nd Merchant Marine Department Graduation Ceremony and XNUMXth Advanced Course (Maritime Systems Major) Completion Ceremony

(XNUMX) Date and time   From 22:10 on Friday, September 30, XNUMX
(XNUMX) Place   Ise City Lifelong Learning Center Ise Topia Multipurpose Hall (XNUMX-XNUMX Kurose-cho, Ise City, Mie Prefecture)
(XNUMX) Entrance time etc.

Alumni / Graduates 30:00-XNUMX:XNUMX
Rehearsal exercise 40:10-10:XNUMX
Guardian 30:10-20:XNUMX

[Message from the Chairman of the National Institute of Technology]

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